Xfinity Prepaid

A mobile-first product aimed at connecting lower-income customers to the internet and entertainment.

Hero Digital helped launch an MVP product called Xfinity Prepaid. It was a pay-as-you-go internet and TV product “value seeker” or “income constrained” piece of the market. We worked along side a small client team to rocket this concept into a viable line of business worthy of being featured on the main Xfinity website.

Once the base service was operational, our mission was focused on the retention of existing customers and create loyalty in terms of refills and purchasing extra features. I worked with a small product design oriented team at Hero to launch new features and streamlining the existing user experience with insights from the analytics team. Many rounds of comprehensive UX flows and rapid prototyping led to finished design-ready files for launch.


Online Products Sold

In-Store / Blind Sale Flows

The Ask
Traditionally Prepaid was a web-only or corner store product where other pay-as-you-go services were commonly purchased. We started with Walmart but several national retailers were identified by Xfinity to expand the product's availability. A big component of each retailer's hesitation was the customer's time deciding, time in the checkout line, and returns of the product. Each retailer had requirements that had to be met to authorize a purchase of the product once a user was given the green light with an address serviceability check.

The Challenge
The initial requirements were not ideal but we worked within the requirements of both the business unit at Xfinity and the participating retailer. Once the product was in stores, we conducted a secret shopper test to get a true sense of the process implemented and a solution for a number of issues that we encountered. A large number of updates were done between the MVP launch and the exiting process found today.

Move / Reconnect Flows

The Ask
Xfinity’s process across the company of moving service from one residence to another was non-digital and required making a phone call to a service representative. Prepaid had the foundation in place and the opportunity to minimize their call center costs if they could allow the user to self-initiate a move or a reconnection of service their Prepaid services with a digital experience. This was a first and very bold move inside of the company.

The Challenge
There was a very lengthy process of determining all of the connection variables through requirements and past experiences that could complicate a simple reconnection at a user’s new residence. The due diligence at this stage allowed for a pretty smooth UX mapping exercise to hone in on creating the most friction-free experience possible.

“Hero Digital has been an incredible support system for Xfinity Prepaid over the past several years. Hero came on board with us when they were a small shop, called Delphic. Over time as the business evolved, they continued to invest and bring incredible value into our overall strategy - GTM, Positioning, Journey Design, Mobile and Digital excellence.”

Kohposh Kuda – VP/GM Xfinity Mobile and former Prepaid client partner


Online Product Refills


Online-Specific Revenue


Retained Customers

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