Design has taken me places that I could have never imagined and it’s been one helluva ride.

Welcome, my name is Jay Ferguson and I am a Design Director… creative problem solver.

During my time in the industry, I have worked hard to hone my design skillset, such that reshaping all aspects of the customer journey and strengthening every customer touchpoint has become second nature to me. The creative team at Hero Digital has described me as the “Mercenary of Simplicity”. My mission on any project is to reduce design debt while creating necessary and thoughtful experiences. Each project and step in my career has helped me uncover my true passion for working within the service and product innovation space.

While interactive design is my primary focus, I enjoy the openness of creating new user experience flows from scratch or diagnosing issues to optimize existing flows. Wireframing and thinking through a good content narrative have become self-imposed job requirements in my work.

View LinkedIn for my work history.

Download my resume.

– Creative Direction
– User Experience
– Product Design
– Illustration / Iconography
– Figma (preferred)
– Sketch
– Adobe Creative Cloud
– Miro

– Connected Devices / Services
– Product Design
– Track Cycling / Fitness
– Spending Time Outdoors
– Native Planting


In the creative space, the lines between personal and professional lives are often muddied. Inspiration comes from the things that spark a fire within us, and those things often tend to live on the personal side of the fence.

I hail from Northwest Ohio, but my passions have taken me to rich wellsprings of inspiration, like San Francisco and Washington DC. Now, myself, my wife, our two daughters call Philadelphia home. Spending time with them is how I recharge, and I protect a work/life balance in order to keep my battery full. My creative side can't be silenced outside of work, and getting my hands dirty with projects around the house is the best way to put that creativity into action. Getting out for a ride on my bike or chasing the perfect cup of black coffee gets me out of bed in the morning.

Share your problems, we’ll solve them together.